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WEAPON-X: 102mm Throttle Body Spacer 4 bolt flange [LSA LS1 LS2 LS3 LS – WEAPON-X Motorsports

WEAPON-X: 102mm Throttle Body Spacer 4 bolt flange [LSA LS1 LS2 LS3 LS6 LS7 LS9]

Vendor: WEAPON-X Motorsports


$99.00 $129.00
When running the stock upper pulley, the housing on the 102mm throttle bodies get in the way.  This spacer will clear enough room to keep from having to clearance that...

When running the stock upper pulley, the housing on the 102mm throttle bodies get in the way.  This spacer will clear enough room to keep from having to clearance that pretty billet housing.

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